2020 began with an unexpected event that is shaking up the whole world, the Corona Virus pandemic. The lockdown in the most developed countries in the world is already affecting the economy and the global market is preparing for a new crisis. Investments in the time of fear and uncertainty require of course weighted choices and solid certainties. The landscape of business will change dramatically and every wise choice in the financial market will require:
- investments which will not devalue over time;
- investments you can take advantage of while in possession, not locked in a bank.
Post-Covid-19 economic crisis will not be for the faint of heart. The time for smart choices is ticking…
Investments in the time of Covid-19: luxury real estate
Luxury is a factor that not only gives value immediately, but it is also fundamental in avoiding a rapid and inexorable devaluation. The real estate market proved many times to be a solid option in times of crisis, but is it really smart to invest in many small, insignificant real estate properties? Not very much, predicting times of financial struggles for many middle-to-low income families (and their landlords…). Luxury real estate properties will resist and will prove to be the smartest choice you can make right now.
Where to invest? With which company?
An excellent choice is certainly to buy luxury properties in the French Riviera. Experts are predicting an optmistic recover for France in the fight against the pandemic. Southern France in particular is not only a breathtaking wonder of nature and the top of luxury and fine architecture, but also a very striking calling card for people seeking high-profile business in Europe.
The real estate company to look out for right now is De Angelis Costruzioni. Here you can look at the reasons why their luxury houses are simply a must-have for the international jet-set. Their headquarters are located in Monaco (you can call the company for info at +377 93 30 87 44) and Rome (info calling +39 06 32 03 421). For every question you want to make on the luxury houses on sale you could also contact the company via e-mail (info@azurservices.mc or info@gruppodeangeliscostruzioni.com).
You can choose to suffer the consequences of the post-Corona Virus crisis or you can emerge at the top buying a house where the richest men on Earth meet and make business together. It’s your call.