Spring break comes late this year after the worlwide lockdown, but not too late to be missed. With the everyday life slowly coming back, today is the perfect day to start thinking about business, too. If you have trouble to reconnect your will to make business again with good investments and the need for a well-deserved break from all the stress, just take a look at this dream houses. The stylish and exclusive French Riviera waits for no one.

Spring Break in the French Riviera

First of all, what luxury house do you have in mind? An apartment to host friends, make business deals, rest? Look no further than these luxury apartments in Cannes (Palais d’Oxford building) and Menton (Palais de la Rose building) in Southern France.

Palais d’Oxford – Cannes

Palais de la Rose – Menton

Or maybe you want to go full out with a luxury villa? We can suggest the elegant wonders of the magnificent Villa Sea Dream and Villa Schiffanoia.

Villa Schiffanoia – Villefrance-sur-mer

Villa Sea Dream – Villefranche-sur-mer

Pick your choice…

The real estate company to call for instant info on these deals is De Angelis Costruzioni. Here you can look at the reasons why their luxury houses are simply a must-have for the international jet-set. Their headquarters are located in Monaco (you can call the company for info at +377 93 30 87 44) and Rome (info at +39 06 32 03 421). For every question you want to make on the luxury houses on sale you could also contact the company via e-mail (info@azurservices.mc or info@gruppodeangeliscostruzioni.com).